This Wednesday evening the 3 shops located at 107 Marine Parade, San Remo are keeping their
doors open til 8pm. I'm jumping on board too with a Quirky Pop Up spot! (Side projects in tow.) LOVE where ya live (winter arts project). I've stitched the shells on with metallic
thread and attached a cardboard back with string so they can be easily hung up. They've all got a JD signature and now an official photograph on a bright background. I guess you'd call them a limited release as there is only ten available to buy. LOVE where ya live (the first of my winter art projects) is progressing well. I've hand painted
the lettering on ten sheets of Mum's handmade paper. And I've rugged up and combed the beach for holey shells. I'm now getting ready to thread the needle and finish them off. The ingredients for one of this winters art projects. (Just so you know what I'm doing in my
spare time). It combines a few loves - painting, collecting shells and being crafty with Mum's handmade paper. |
AuthorJodie Dalton Archives
October 2018